Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making Books

In seeking out inspiration for how to make this year's haggadah, I stumbled on this blog, and got so many wonderful ideas! I finally settled on using this format. I have some great big 9" x 18" black construction paper that we haven't done much with this year. I measured it so I could divide it into seven sections (x 2) so I have enough sections for the 14 parts of the haggadah. We'll use silver pen for the headings, and then add all kinds of drawings, clip art, and text. Now I'm excited! I hadn't found a format that really did it for me, but now that we have that, we'll work on the rest!

One of my favorite "haggadahs" we did was when Amirah was 4. We made clay beads and strung them. In between the clay beads we put a tag with the next part of the haggadah on it. She could follow along with each section by rotating her necklace. That was a lot of fun! We're not big cut-and-paste learners, so what works best for us is to each contribute something to each section to make it special. It's a bit less labor intensive this way. We did Pirkei Avos this way last year and that was a huge hit. In fact, this year we'll be adding to our book rather than just making a new one. Adding new quotes, songs, and pictures, and reviewing all the things from last year.

Reading through the book-making blog also got me thinking about all kinds of other ideas. What a fun way to do book reports! Or any kind of report. Okay, this is all too much fun and keeps me up late thinking of new projects. OY. Time to sleep! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gavi has made some great books using this format, including a book report and one about bats.

It is fun to do multi colored pages for each heading too.

Will you post a picture of your final product?
