Thursday, May 26, 2011


Savta is coming! She has an offer in on a house 5 houses down from us on the same street. It has been beautifully fixed up and she could move right in. So we're anxiously waiting to hear if it's a go. :)

She was here for 12 days and we spent all 12 days inside, going not much of anywhere, taking care of sick kids. Amirah went down first (and needed some doctor intervention!), then the rest. Last to get it is Avi who started yesterday/today. Eli wasn't doing well at all for a couple of days then took a BIG turnaround when I used a powdered form of Mucinex that he can handle. (Liquid cough medicines don't agree with him at all...) So, that was a relief! I was afraid he was going to get as bad as Amirah, but no B"H.

So Savta got to just live life with us the whole time. Lots of laundry, dishes, and more laundry, and more dishes. A few stories. Pretty much just seeing us all at our worst and loving every minute of it anyway. :) And she quietly did more than her part and clean dishes magically appeared every day and she even guessed where everything went really well!!

In the beginning, while Amirah was sick, D and I were able to go out and get many errands done (including some secret birthday shopping trips!) and do some outside work. Despite not going anywhere, amazing things happened! The piano, the house, the fence delivery... It was a very full week, and very wonderful that it ended with Savta deciding to move here now while the kids were still little and could really grow up with her. Such a blessing!

So, stay tuned!

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