Friday, July 10, 2009

Lovely Shabbat

I thought today would be a little hectic getting ready for shabbat without dear husband here to help, but it was surprisingly tranquil. We're all set. The meal seemed to just appear somehow, the house is nice and clean. All that's left is washing up and setting the table. After a week of Jewish camp for the girls and baseball for an hour a day for Eli, I'm really looking forward to just gathering in all my chickies, snuggling into bed after dinner, and reading stories. And a sweet day tomorrow with just us.

Dean's interview in Pittsburgh went very well, B"H, and he is really enjoying the community's hospitality. He could definitely see us living there. And if he can, I can. We'll see what hashem has in mind for us. We should hear back in another week or two, hopefully sooner rather than later. The wait is hard!

So, we will be missing him, but I think shabbat will prove to be a lovely time for this family, as usual, even sans papa. We sure do look forward to his homecoming on Monday night, though!

Shabbat shalom to everyone!

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